Licensor Relationships
I have developed product for, and worked with, many different entertainment companies - including:
Disney (inclusive of Lucas Films & Marvel), Netflix, Dreamworks, Nintendo, Amazon, and Warner Brothers.
This involves all stages of review during a product’s development, pitching concepts, working with licensor-approved voice talent & scripting teams. In the case of Amazon, also involved a close partnership with their game design and Alexa skill design teams.
Tech & App Development
During my time at Hasbro, I have specialized in app-connected play - products that interface with a digital app (downloadable, web, Alexa voice, etc.). Working in the area of “app-connected physical product” has it’s complexities in regards to development costs and timeline - not to mention how do we sell it! Many projects are in development for years (only to never see the light of day). Below are some of my favorites - both those that made it and those that didn’t.
I believe I have pulled immeasurable learnings from these - both in regards to development process and integrating the tech itself.
Process & Documentation
I love a good design document! I believe that a great game is a game that is also a well-documented one. I utilized design specs (both physical and gameplay), as well as UX & UI wireframes.
During my time at hasbro I was a manager and helped to create systems that supported development in the innovation pipeline.
Personal Art
I occasionally have time to make things NOT work related!